ღ Monday, January 4, 2010 ; 9:45 PM
the most beautiful thing on earth is having you as my priority... I LOve you BbyLOve!!! my life is'nt complete without u! i felt lost without u!!! coz u took apart of my heart! gosh only god know how it felt! i try to freeze my heart tt day but i could nt coz i'm are'nt that strong! hahax.... after all everything have teach us a lesson... and he regreat everything! he cried! awww how sweet... when he cried he did'nt admit but i noe it... hahax... =) after all baby i LOVE u! remember our promise k baby! ILY forever!
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/Disable right click script III- By Renigade (renigade@mediaone.net)
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