ღ Thursday, November 12, 2009 ; 11:46 AM
wAkE uP TV...
today wake up at 11am... hahax...tv show wake up as normal... and start playing home inn, barn buddy n cafe world... now addicted to that... hahax... is a must to on facebook everyday... is nt to chat or make new frends there lol instead of playing games... coz i only add the person i know... if i dunno will reject the request... :)... nt that bad but i'm just begin carefull... =) stop to blog now coz now still watching tv... later going to my aunty house... iye iye iye... =)... will continue later =)...
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/Disable right click script III- By Renigade (renigade@mediaone.net)
//For full source code, visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com
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