ღ Sunday, January 25, 2009 ; 12:56 AM
hahax... hem... i really angry sia... hem... becoz of that stupid idiot aunty la...perpousely make mie angry haiyo i was damn bad tampered just now even my bf also kena get scold by mie... hahax... but i don't scold him lei just telling him the way like i tell him like i scold him like that lucky hubby understand... hahax... hem... then in her room uh she talk 2 mie but i keep on keep my mouth shut... hahax as if i neva hear anything from her mouth... hahax... TALK 2 MY HAND... hahax...she the 1 who make me angry 1... so she deserved it lol... nt i want to take mc lei... yesterday i was really damn sick... breatless... i gt asthma... don't want die fast la haven married lei... hahax... dotx... astma can kill mie b4 the asthma kill mie betta i see doctor rite... go there also kena nag... hahax... becoz neva come 4 check up 4 so long... hahax... don't care lah... ok la tomolo werking morning shift... need 2 sleep early or else will wake up late... bye3...
Labels: i DoN'T eVeN cArE... TaLk 2 My HaNd...
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