ღ Wednesday, January 21, 2009 ; 1:26 AM
hahax... today must stand lelong stay untill 12 again so xian lei... aiya still n always go back late always mie lei so xian... hem but ok la hubby werk morning after werk he come n see mie when werk also he come... hahax... happy la... but still misz him lei... if can 25hrs 1day want be by his side... like yesterday... it is so sweet memory... his too and damn pampered... :)... i love it hahax...
LoVe u BaBy sO MuCh TiLL tHe eNd Of TiMe i'm uRs n u r mine aNd u'LL nEvA Be RePLaCe hahax... tomolo i maybe at C4 lei... hem just now k.po mah see tomolo which counter... hem... but cannot trust la tomolo werk then know they plan can change mah... but wat eva it is i happy coz hubby werk morning hahax can meet him after werk when i off...
HiS mY LoVe oF LiFeLabels: BaBy i StiLL MiSz u... mY LoVe oF LiFe...
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